* = Required Information
Male Female
Yes No

Volunteer Agreement: By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in my application for volunteering are true and complete. Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with us. All the information recorded above is considered confidential.

I understand that all the information on this form is voluntarily supplied and may be used and disclosed for volunteer purposes only. I also agree to release and hold harmless the staff, the volunteers, and the board of directors of Barnes & Sons from any and all liability for disclosing this information to agencies and their agents who request volunteer assistance, or injury incurred while on volunteer assignment. I hereby volunteer my services and understand that I am not a paid employee of any agency or group to which I may accept assignment, nor am I an employee of Barnes & Sons. By becoming a volunteer, I understand that I will have the opportunity to participate in many individual and group volunteer projects. By signing this application, I (parent/guardian, if volunteer is under 18) grant permission for participation in events without requiring additional permission forms. I also grant Barnes & Sons permission to use photographs taken of member at volunteer activities for publication to promote volunteerism.